Warm Season Planting Guide - Harvesting Dates for August 1st

Soil temperatures for August 1st are around the 80-100 F range.  I am using my compost thermometer to evaluate the soil temperatures.  I found that soil with a good layer of mulch was showing upto 10 degrees F lower in temperature than soil without mulch, especially in the heat of the afternoon sun.  I have also included a calculation on the expected harvest date if you were to plant on August 1st.  Most plants would be harvested in late September and early October if planted on August 1st.  The temperature refers to the soil temperature needed for seed germination and can be found in greater detail in this blog posting from July.

Warm Season plantings for August 8/1/13
The following plants can handle soil temperatures upto to 90-110°F
Crop Min Temp Optimum Max Temp Days to Harvest            Harvest      date if         planted       Aug 1
Beans, Snap 55° 80° 90° 60   30-Sep
Cantaloupe 60° 90° 100° 85 25-Oct
Corn 50° 80° 100°       60-90 30-Sep
Cucumbers 60° 90° 100° 55 25-Sep
Eggplant 60° 80° 90° 60 30-Sep
Pepper 60° 80° 90° 70 10-Oct
Tomato 50° 80° 100° 65 5-Oct
Squash, Summer 60° 90° 100° 50 20-Sep
Squash, Winter 60° 90° 100° 100 9-Nov
Watermelons 60° 90° 110° 85 25-Oct
