Eating on the Wildside!

For those of you who heard NPR's Fresh Air this morning (July 10th), you will be aware of this new book.  Click here to access the complete support website for the book.

For those in Austin, you can also stop by and purchase the book at the ACRES USA bookstore at 4031-B Guadalupe Street, in Austin TX.

I have been reading this book and it surprised me in a valuable way.  I expected more of a narrative, a classical story line of discovery similar to Michael Pollan's recent book.  What I found is something that I will now keep on the shelf with my most important kitchen cook books.   This is much more of a reference book on what to do, and not to do when buying, selecting or growing vegetables and fruits, and double or more the value of your food dollars.  Click on the website to see more of this great contribution to our quality of life.
