Must see video on restoring the planet and our soil

This is a great TED talk and I hope it goes on to be a classic. It is not the first time that someone has talked about this theory of planet/soil resotration, but this talk is by the grand master himself, and done quite well. It is about 25 minutes long, but highly recommended and very well prepared, as if this is Allan Savory's biggest chance yet to promote healing the soil through animal impact and holistic thinking.

What I find so fascinating, is that the same principles he applies to grazing management for the soil, can be applied to raising our families, our school choices, and nutrition. It is this type of thinking -- holistic versus linear -- that gives me such hope for restoring the planet and our futures.

I could not ask for a bigger shift in our consciousness that to embrace the principles of holistic thinking in our management of the world's resources and peoples.

Thanks to Joep Meijer and the Climate Buddies website for the following work:

Learn more
If you want to learn more about holisitc land management practices, here are a few points resources to get started:

Holistic Management Resource List (including scholarly citations, popular articles, and videos)

Research Paper Summaries Germane to Holistic Management

Land Restoration in Arid Regions with Holistic Management

Land Restoration in the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico, with Holistic Management

Case Studies & Related
